The Nokia N900 Icecast Server

This is the Icecast setup to stream radio from a Nokia N900 as discussed in Corner Geeks Episode 2. Follow the instructions below or watch the video below (direct YouTube link)

Setting up an Icecast Server on an N900

  1. Root the N900
    • Go to Application manager>>Application catalogs>>New
    • Write “ extras-testing” for catalog name
    • Give web address as “
    • Enter “fremantle” as the distribution
    • Enter “free non-free” for components
    • Download rootsh from Application Manager.
  2. Open Terminal
  3. “sudo gainroot”
  4. Install icecast via “apt-get install icecast2”
  5. Search for gstreamer lame plugin: “apt-cache search gstream lame”
  6. Installer the gstreamer lame plugin: “apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse” (this may change, just the search results from the previous steps)
  7. Start the Icecast server with the following command (this combines starting a Icecast server and sending audio via a source client all in one command
    “gst-launch pulsesrc ! audioconvert ! lame quality=9 ! shout2send mount=/listen.mp3 port=8000 password=YourPass ip=ServerIP”You can change the mount, port, password, ip values depending on your setup.
  8. The Icecast server is now up and running (assuming there are no errors / typos) and this will stream any audio playing from the device.

To stream Radio on your Icecast Server

  1. Install the FM Radio application from
  2. Open the application and tune into the correct frequency
  3. Start the Icecast server